Crush The New Year With A New You: Home Gym Edition


It’s a new year, and fitness centers across the country are wooing the masses out of their sugar comas and onto the treadmills with flashy promotions and temporarily reduced prices. While approximately 12% of the population will answer that call to fitness, about 80% of them will have abandoned their goals by the first week of February.

What causes this mass exodus from the fitness centers? Chances are, many people discover that driving to and from the gym and wasting time waiting for the machine that they want is a bigger time commitment than they’re willing to make. And those sweet prices that enticed them to sign a contract in the first place don’t stay sweet for long.

Bottom line: for many people, gym memberships cost too much time and money, and actively participating is not sustainable long term.

Fortunately, there are several convenient and cost effective ways to improve your health. Keep reading for a few ideas on how to meet you fitness goals without the hassle of a gym.

Home Exercise Routines

From Jillian Michael’s routines and P90X to Pilates and Yoga, you can find workout DVDs to fit nearly every interest and fitness level. The best part? The majority of these DVDs can be found and bought by clicking the link provided!

Make the Neighborhood Your Gym

Walking, jogging, and running are some of the best exercises for improving endurance, dropping those extra holiday pounds and building muscle, and contrary to what those fitness centers would have you believe, you don’t need a treadmill to do it. If you don’t want to hit the pavement solo, walk or jog with a friend, a group or even your dog. In order to stay warm and fashionable on these walks, jogs, or runs try visiting this link to see the wide range of fitness wear we have to offer!

 Create Your Own Home Gym

Maybe you enjoy using exercise equipment to reach your fitness goals. If that’s the case, consider investing in your own home gym. Standard fitness equipment such as treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary bikes and weight benches are available for bargain prices at resale shops, yard sales and online auctions. Many of today’s models can fold down for easy storage, making it easy to convert even small spaces into a private gym. Once you consider how much money you’re saving by forgoing the gym membership, investing in your own equipment is a clear bargain.

Committing to improving your fitness level is an admirable goal for 2016, and there’s no need to join a gym to make it happen. By looking for fun ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine and investing a little money in your own equipment, you can improve your health without the hassle of the gym.

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